Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Joyas Voladoras

I believe this essay is negative but good advice. For example, it makes your heart drop when they talk about how precious heart are. The author wrote a whole paragraph about how the heart gets broken for humans and how the hummingbirds die to let us know how easily it can be broken. In addition, what I took from the essay is that the hummingbird lives their lives fast and the tortoise lives their lives slow. I believe that different animals live their life slow or fast based on how fast their heart beats. The hummingbird beats their heart ten times a second but a tortoise has a very slow living heart. One my favorite lines is "We all churn inside." After all our differences between every animal and living thing we all have one thing we can relate to,  some sort of liquid inside our body.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Favorite Quotes by Justin and Ross

Ross's Favorite funny quote"If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands."         
-By Douglas Adams       
                                                                                                                                                  Is this a truly a duck?

Justin's Favorite Quote 
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” 
― Dr. Seuss

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen

 Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
This is good advice from the Every body's Free To Wear Sunscreen song. The writer is saying that to remember the good things that happen and forget when people make fun of you but everybody remembers the bad things and not the good things. The society today holds on to the negatives and not the positive.
Another good advice from this is....
Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.
I like this advice because it tells you to avoid things that make you feel bad about yourself. You could also take this a set further and interpret it as him saying that you should stay away from that drama and all those celebrities drama. 
My advice to add to this list is to take advantage of you skills and to learn all you can in school and from people who give you good advice. Also be the best person you can be and good citizen. It will pay off in the end.

Monday, May 6, 2013

What's Worth Knowing?

This quote by Neil Gaiman is totally true. School only teaches you facts and nothing to do with society and social interaction with other people. People wonder why our society is so harsh and part of the blame has to go to  the schools. The schools do not help with how to deal with people. After people leave college and learned what they need to know they don't know how to interact with people because they were never taught. Schools need to teach kids how to interact with people nicely and appropriately. If kids learn how to behave and know how to interact when they are young, when they get older they will more likely act more mature instead of not knowing  how to deal with different type of people.This is why the service academies have to teach all their cadets to know how to stand strong around different people and know how to respond politely. In addition, the blame also goes too the parents because the parents need to teach their kids how to react and help their kids with social problems or questions. Most parents these days do not have a strong relationship with their kids and therefore, do not care at what they do. These parents need to love their children so they do not grow up and be like them. It is true that the kids learn actions from their parents and then grow up to act like them.
All statements said by Neil Gaiman need to be addressed by parents or schools to their kids or students. Although schools are now teaching children about different careers they still need to address other problems. Things that are worth knowing are knowing how to defend yourself, knowing how to talk politely, and knowing how to act maturely around adults.All these need to be address along with many others. Less and less people can act as polite and mature citizens. This problem needs to be fixed by parents and schools. In conclusion, all schools do is teach facts to learn and schools and parents need to teach children more about social interaction with other people.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Waste Land Documentary Response

Waste Land Documentary Response
  1. I really impacted by the state of these people's lives. They were poor and worked in a dump. I really took away from their attitude. The people were happy with what they were doing. For example, Suelem is happy she works there and she is not a prostitute. Although they work in the dump they are helping the environment. In addition, I liked how the photographer got so connected with the peoples lives he actually enjoyed their lives and help them out.
  2. At first they did not know what Vik was doing. After they realized what they were doing, I think they like to express their lives to the public and to show them how hard they work and their difficult lives. They enjoyed sharing their world and raising money. The people were amazing with their pictures. Tiao enjoyed what Vik did with the pictures.He said it let out their story.
  3. I would be confused on why they would want to work with us but in the end I would enjoy their appreciation toward us. I think that they could photograph me with calculating and angle and velocity of a shot for soccer. This would show my smartness and my athletic ability.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Photo Essay

1. We choose this photo because it symbolizes a lot in our lives. Firstly it symbolizes destruction and damage in life which is never avoidable, but it happens anyway.  Secondly it symbolizes having to move on from loss and not keep living in one moment.  The great cloud of smoke is the destruction and the plane is showing how people must continue on with their own lives and not linger in the past.
2. The smoke coming from the eruption of the Grimsvotn volcano, under the Vatnajokull glacier in southeast Iceland, May 21, 2011. is picture in this photo. It also shows a plane flying by before the airlines cancelled flights.
3. At first glance you might think the smoke is coming from the plane and the plane is going to crash however the plane is safe and not in harm.
4. This shows us the danger that pilots can be in and what they do to risk their lives for our transportation and safety.
5. I wonder how much the damage and destruction the volcano eruption cause and how many people it injured or killed. I also wonder what the people in the plane were thinking at the time they passed.
By: Ross Patterson and Justin Albano

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Daily Photo Challenge

Daily Photo Challenge
Tuesday 2/19/13
Word: Underneath

 Wednesday  2/20/13
Word: Texture
Thursday 2/21/13
Word: Color
Monday 2/25/13
Word: Looking in
Thursday 3/7/13
Word: Delicate