Monday, May 6, 2013

What's Worth Knowing?
This quote by Neil Gaiman is totally true. School only teaches you facts and nothing to do with society and social interaction with other people. People wonder why our society is so harsh and part of the blame has to go to  the schools. The schools do not help with how to deal with people. After people leave college and learned what they need to know they don't know how to interact with people because they were never taught. Schools need to teach kids how to interact with people nicely and appropriately. If kids learn how to behave and know how to interact when they are young, when they get older they will more likely act more mature instead of not knowing  how to deal with different type of people.This is why the service academies have to teach all their cadets to know how to stand strong around different people and know how to respond politely. In addition, the blame also goes too the parents because the parents need to teach their kids how to react and help their kids with social problems or questions. Most parents these days do not have a strong relationship with their kids and therefore, do not care at what they do. These parents need to love their children so they do not grow up and be like them. It is true that the kids learn actions from their parents and then grow up to act like them.
All statements said by Neil Gaiman need to be addressed by parents or schools to their kids or students. Although schools are now teaching children about different careers they still need to address other problems. Things that are worth knowing are knowing how to defend yourself, knowing how to talk politely, and knowing how to act maturely around adults.All these need to be address along with many others. Less and less people can act as polite and mature citizens. This problem needs to be fixed by parents and schools. In conclusion, all schools do is teach facts to learn and schools and parents need to teach children more about social interaction with other people.

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