Monday, December 17, 2012

FIrst Amedment Questions and Answers

Question: What are the limitations to Freedom of Press?
Answer: The U.S. has recognized special situations which they can interfere with the freedom of Press. For example, reporters often use confidential sources on government. However, if the source violates a federal law then the name has to be revealed by the reporter. If you do not release the information you can go to jail. Bloggers are not allowed to post inaccurate information or damaging statements about any person or any business. Reporters also can not hurt the reputation of someone or a business. Freedom of Press does not protect obscenity. It also does not protect you from any threats  or violence you may post against anyone.
Question: Are there Limitations to Freedom of Assembly and Petition?
Answer: Surprisingly there are limitations. If any of the 5 freedoms of expression had no limitations I thought it would be assembly or petition.The police can require a marching permit before a public assembly can be held. They also can impose on the assembly for not enough toilets and emergency aid stations. Anyone can have a march as long as they meat the requirements according to the U.S. Supreme Court in Smith v. Collins in 1978. On-line assembly is illegal when people are threatening people and plotting murders such as Anti-Abortion groups posting threats and abortion doctors online.
Question: Do children have the same rights as adults?
Answer: Yes, children still do have the rights as adults. Until they are adults though there liberties are restricted. We have the right to share our opinion. We also have the right to have a different opinion than our parents. Even though we are children, we have the right to be informed. We also have the right to chose our own interests and learn about them. Choosing a religion for yourself is allowed but many children stay with the religion of their parents. Finally, as children have the right to choose which principles will guide our life.
In conclusion, even though we have rights, they all have limitations. If you are not aware of the limitations it could hurt you or end you up in jail. People should keep in touch with our government laws as citizens.


sai v said...

Cool, I didnt know thata all of the freedoms had limitations. That is good that everyone has the same rights.

Unknown said...

I think that your topic about children having the same rights is interesting. Would freedom of speech still protect us even though we are children?