Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year Resolution

2012 Resolutions
Reflect: This year I realized that coaches know what they are talking about and I should listen to them. When we practice shooting for soccer, our coaches always tell us to swing from your knee and not with your hip. I would do it but when ever i was not thinking about it I would not do it. Well on Christmas, I was playing kickball and I went to kick the ball and after I did I fell but my brother caught me and carried me inside. The rest of the day it was very hard to walk. It was the most pain I have ever experienced and I have broken my leg before. As I healed over the rest of the break, I realized my coaches were right to swing with my knees. On New Year Eve, I ran 5 kilometers at 10:30 that night because I played racquetball that day and my hip felt good. Well afterward it hurt and now I am only go to soccer practice to run because it still hurts to kick a ball.
Resolve: This year I want start to listen to everyone and consider what they say. It will make my life more successful.Adults are often right and their advice will make you wiser most times. In conclusion, listening to people is a good thing and helpful

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