Tuesday, January 15, 2013

20% Project

20% Project
My 20% project is to learn about aviation. I want to learn why a plane is able to fly and how engineers figure out what they need to make the plane fly based on what they want the plane to do. Being a pilot has always been my career goal. I have already flown a small plane with two engines. I figure why not get a jump start on learning how to be a pilot. I plan to use my book on aviation that I got from my dad's friend who flew the plane with me. I will also use resources online to gather information. I anticipate that I will stumble across road blocks. One of them might be that I have not taken physics yet and the science and math might flow right over my head. Also, there could be too much information to learn in the short period of time. I plan to condense the information and have my dad teach me the new mathematical ideas I need to understand. I can also consult pilots in the Air Force that I know. Two examples are my dad and Mr. Wingfield. Both of them are excellent pilots and have been trained. In the end, I hope I have a successful 20% project.

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